First Go At Dyeing With Mimosa

Despite selling the highest quality powdered inner root bark Mimosa, we hadn’t done any dyeing with it… until last weekend. With the delivery of a new set of natural dyes and life in general we hadn’t had a chance to get to the fun part; having a play around with the products themselves. We didn’t get the vivid purples we were expecting, but as with all home dyeing experiments, we learned something and there is always next time!

Tie dyeing with mimosa hostilis powder
The Material Is Tied Up – After the pre-treatment, the excess is squeezed out and the material is tied up.

fine powdered mimosa inner root bark ukFine Powder Mimosa Goes In The Pan 

Not Quite What We Were Hoping For!

Although we were hoping for the famed vivid purples we ended up with a soft pinky brown. Looking forward to having a play around with different auxiliaries and seeing the full range of colours from all of our products.


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