Despite the best efforts of spellcheck, and often because of spellcheck, we are all very familiar with typos; annoying, funny, cute or even occasionally R rated we see them all. I type the word ‘Sheepskins’ a lot and love some of the variations I have seen, my personal favourite has to be sheepkins, but I have also mashed shepskins , shepkins and even deepskins into the keyboard. It’s a good job that Google searches often correct our ineptitude, which if anything gets worse on a mobile phone.
Where did it all go wrong?
When texting became more of a thing the outcry was of fear for the sanctity of our language. It was as if the abbreviated messages were undermining all communication. Would growing illiteracy inevitably destroy of the very fabric of society? Despite the huge risks posed by texting, the young folk still persist in growing up and becoming police officers, GP’s and annoying daily reminders that my skin is less elastic and that my knees hurt. Their spelling has improved too.
Cry for help
Pls sum 1 do sum fing 2 hlp plzzzzzz
On the backend of we can see some of the searches that bring people here. There are some great typos and we come up on some unusual search terms. Terms we have never put any effort into. Don’t get me wrong, I’ll take internet traffic from anywhere. Just as long as people don’t get annoyed when they arrive and find it’s just us selling sheepskins. Which brings me to the oddest search bringing folks here right now: “amazon”.
Seek and ye shall find
Mimosa searches make perfect sense as it’s one of our best selling products. We specialise in sheepskins and natural dyes. But I can only wonder how many pages of search results one has to scroll through before finding us rather than Amazon?! So I checked our site for mentions of the word amazon and found… just one:
“We have no dreams of competing with Amazon or any high street brand, what we want to do is find people like you who enjoy natural products, sourced responsibly.”
– Some bloke on
Whatever brought you to our site I hope you like it. We have a mailing list where subscribers get to hear about any special deals and money off coupons. Sometimes we run competitions to win sheepskins, that sort of thing. Please feel free to add your name here. We also post pictures on Instagram (mainly of our chickens, for some reason). And we would naturally love you to follow us on Facebook and Twitter.
Cottage Cream Sheepskin£129.00
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